


If you need a copy of the manufacturer's warranty for a product purchased from Tops Vacuum and Sewing, please contact the manufacturer or visit their website for more information. In some cases, you may be able to access the warranty information from the product's detail page on our website.

After your Tops Vacuum and Sewing return period has expired, your item might still be eligible for exchange, replacement or repair under the manufacturer's warranty. To determine if your item is eligible for a warranty return, review the paperwork that came with the merchandise or contact the manufacturer. Please note, that in order for an item to eligible for warranty coverage, many manufacturers require the item to be purchased from an authorized dealer. Tops Vacuum and Sewing is an authorized dealer for all items offered on our website.

Receipts / Invoices
Please be sure to maintain and keep a copy of your receipts and/or packing lists as they may be necessary for any warranty claims as they will serve as your proof of purchase.

We always include a packing list with your shipment showing the date of purchase as well as the items purchased. We also email you a copy of your receipt when your order is placed. If you do not get it, please be sure to check your bulk or spam mail folder as it may have been misfiled by your email provider. Also if you created an account during checkout you may login to your account to reprint your receipt yourself at any time. Please understand that for security reasons we are unable to duplicate or reproduce receipts for previous orders.

If you have any questions regarding Warranties, please contact us.